My Soul is Cast Down
April 28, 2019

My Soul is Cast Down

Passage: Psalm 42:1-11
Service Type:

Come to God, our Rock and our Hope!
1. Desire Him
2. Pour out to Him
3. Praise Him
4. Endure in Him


Discussion questions available here.



Psalm 42 Notes:

How do we get from despair to hope?
Come to God, our Rock and our Hope!

1. Desire Him

Has God forgotten me?

  • Self-examine: Why do I feel forgotten?
  • Recognize that my deepest desires are ultimately for God Himself!

I'd Rather Have Jesus!
Creator > creation
Provider > provision
Giver > gift

2. Pour out to Him

It’s OK to have emotions!

  • Cries frequently and can’t eat v.3
  • Feels like drowning in waves v.7
  • Feels oppressed by enemies and rejected by God v.9
  • Feels overwhelmed and unable to cope v.10

It’s OK to express your emotions to God!

Be honest, real, raw… but don’t sulk or wallow!

3. Praise Him

We must cultivate a desire and a discipline to praise God!

Think about what is praiseworthy! (Phil 4:8,  Job 1:21) – God creates, saves, gives…

It’s important to praise God alone AND in community.

Praising God together is (Colossians 3:16-17):

  • an act of worship
  • an act of ministry

4. Endure in Him

Daily life might feel like going against the current!

How can I push through day after day?

  • Hope is rooted in truth, not feelings
  • See God’s character: satisfying (1-2), Living God (2), my salvation (5, 11),
    with steadfast love (8), my Rock (9)
  • Speak gospel truth to yourself! (5, 11)
  • Expect to pass through cycles (Psalm 43)

Where is your anchor?

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.  -Hebrews 6:19-20