Kingdom Values
July 7, 2019

Kingdom Values

Passage: Matthew 6:19-34
Service Type:

Set your heart on eternal values!
1. Worry reveals your treasure
2. Worry reveals your perspective
3. Worry reveals your master
4. Worry reveals your confidence

Discussion questions available here.


Set your heart on eternal values!

1. Worry reveals your treasure

Earthly treasures are temporary, with the risk of loss!

We make an idol of that which we treasure and love more than we ought (Matt 6:21, Rev 2:4)

  • Food
    • Satisfaction
    • Comfort
  • Clothes
    • Status
    • Reputation

What are you investing yourself in?  What pursuits consume you?  What losses will break you?

2. Worry reveals your perspective

With what lens do you view your present circumstances and your future plans?

A wrong focus can greatly skew your perspective!

Instead, let God define life, righteousness, and earthly things!

  • What’s more important?
  • What’s more valuable?
  • What does worry accomplish?

3. Worry reveals your master

What price will you pay to protect your “treasure”?

What priorities are you serving?

Our worries control and enslave us.

Desires are good, but they must be submitted to God’s perfect plan.

Are you willing to trust God, even at great cost?

4. Worry reveals your confidence

Worry is rooted in unbelief!

Don’t get consumed with the pursuits of the world!

Your Father knows your needs.

You can pursue righteousness with confidence, entrusting all your needs to the Father!