Obedience of Faith Among All Nations
September 8, 2019

Obedience of Faith Among All Nations

Passage: Romans 1:5
Service Type:

Praise Jesus' name with faithful obedience!
1. Among all nations
2. In me first
3. In us together


Discussion questions available here!



Why praise?

Obedience is an expression of praise and worship.

We receive grace for obedience!

Obedience of faith = trust in God demonstrated in our ongoing obedience of God.

The gospel is a call to satisfied obediencesaved by faith to live by faith (Rom 1:17).

Our obedience and praise are our recognition of and response to God’s value and worth.

Praise Jesus' name with faithful obedience!

1. Among all nations

God’s plan ALWAYS included all nations! (Genesis 12:1-3, 22:18)

God will bring all nations to know He is Lord! (Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 7:9-12)

We received grace to go with grace! (Romans 10:14-17)

Grace empowers our mission! (Romans 1:4, 16)

2. In me first

I first must learn the obedience of faith!

“Sightless faith” (2 Cor 5:7, Heb 11:1) looks upon God’s character and work:

  • In His Word
  • In His gospel
  • In our lives

As God works in us, He shows others His power and mercy! (1 Timothy 1:15-16)

3. In us together

We mutually encourage one another by faith (Romans 1:12)

We continually invite to praise together (Psalm 34:3, 8)

As we grow in grace together, together we are:

  • Servants
  • Called
  • Set apart
  • Empowered