Compassionate Pursuit
September 29, 2019

Compassionate Pursuit

Passage: Jonah 1:1-16
Service Type:

Jonah 1:1-16

Our God patiently pursues!
1. Sin rejects God's purposes
2. Sin gains fast momentum
3. Sin distorts proper response
4. Sin causes collateral damage


Discussion questions available here.



Our God patiently pursues!

1.Sin rejects God’s purposes

Do you believe God has the best in mind?  What if it’s undesirable or too hard?

Jonah wants “justice” (at least his idea) – over God’s will.

Rejecting God’s purpose is rejecting God.

2.Sin gains fast momentum

Sin has a dangerous snowball effect toward more sin, hardening, and unrepentance!

Sin’s momentum carries us away from God and into a pit.

Beware that your desires don’t become idols that rule you! (James 4:1-4)

3.Sin distorts proper response

Jonah acts foolishly but not ignorantly!

Knowledge of God should move us to obedience of God!

Beware of an incomplete view of God. (Romans 2:4-5)

4.Sin causes collateral damage

Sin causes great pain, from broken relationship with God to exhaustion and distress.

  • Broken relationship with God 1:3
  • Price paid 1:3
  • Exhaustion 1:5
  • Distress 2:2
  • The PIT 2:6

We can hurt others by our sin without even realizing!

The sailors:

  • Lost all cargo 1:5
  • Nearly lost their lives 1:4
  • Terrified out of their minds 1:5, 10
  • Fought the storm 1:13
  • Had guilt for Jonah's life 1:14

We are responsible for obeying God – but God works despite us also!


Jonah wanted to flee God’s presence (Jonah 1:3)... but God pursues! (Psalm 139:7-12)

Jonah wanted to go as far as the east is from the west (Jonah 1:3)... but Jesus removes our sin that far and further! (Psalm 103:12)