How do I go on?
November 10, 2019

How do I go on?

Passage: Job 1:13-22
Service Type:

Live one day at a time!
1. Offer your worship
2. Bear your cross
3. Hold fast your integrity


Discussion questions available here.



Why am I still here?

What does God want to teach me?

How does God want to use me?

Live one day at a time!

1. Offer your worship

In your brokenness, sing God’s praise.

How do we get there?

We need perspective rooted in truth. (Psalm 13:6, 147:1-3)

God entrusts us with the gift of life.

2. Bear your cross

What has God given you to live with?  Take it up and carry it! (Matthew 16:24)

We all get different contexts to live out our purpose in.

Shall we accept good from God, and not adversity? (Job 2:10)

3. Hold fast your integrity

Pain does not excuse unfaithful living!

God is unchanging.  Step back and look at His character.

I can find good in a faithful response (Romans 8:28-29).  Don’t waste the pain!