Holy, Holy, Holy
December 8, 2019

Holy, Holy, Holy

Passage: Isaiah 6:1-7
Service Type:

We must honor God as holy in our hearts and lives!
1.There is none sovereign like our God
2.There is none glorious like our God
3.There is none pure like our God
4.There is none merciful like our God


Discussion questions available here.




Separate/Set apart





Morally Pure








In this manner, therefore, pray:  “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name…”
–Jesus, Matthew 6:9

We must honor God as holy in our hearts and lives!

1. There is none sovereign like our God

Earthly kings don’t compare!

Whether political success or political unrest… God is in control!

God reigns over all the earth – every nation and every person – and orchestrates every circumstance together for good (Romans 8:28)

How do I approach God, the high and exalted King?

2. There is none glorious like our God

The beautiful angels don’t compare!

The beautiful earth doesn’t compare!

God alone is uncreated and self-existent.

God’s glory is too great to look upon. (Exodus 33:20)

Do I truly worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness? (Psalm 29:2)

3. There is none pure like our God

God’s people don’t compare! (Isaiah 5:8-30)

God’s prophets don’t compare! (Isaiah 6:5)

God is too pure to withstand evil (Habakkuk 1:13)

We are to be holy like God… not like others (Leviticus 11:44-45, 1 Peter 1:15-16)

Does the overwhelming purity of God crush the comforts of my sin?

4. There is none merciful like our God

What place do wretched sinners have with the high and exalted, Holy, Separated God?

The Holy One delights in redeeming sinners! (Psalm 111:9, 1 Kings 8:23)

God offers atonement for sin. (Isaiah 6:7, 1 John 2:2)

Salvation doesn’t diminish God’s holiness, but emphasizes it!

Grasp the extent of mercy by recognizing the depth of God’s holiness and the depth of our sin!