Our fulfillment is realized in God's glory alone! 1. Examine yourself candidly 2. Perceive God carefully 3. Surrender your "glory" 4. Savor God's glory
We must exalt Jesus with our lives! 1. Confess Jesus' Lordship 2. Submit to Jesus' authority 3. Embrace Jesus' humility 4. Give Jesus awe and reverence
We must offer ourselves to the God of the Impossible! 1. Even when we feel useless 2. Even when we've been waiting a long time 3. Even when God seems…
We must bow our hearts at the feet of Jesus! 1. Let worship slow your pace 2. Let worship settle your heart 3. Let worship preserve your relationships 4. Let…

The Commission

November 12, 2017
We must reproduce disciples of Jesus! 1. Going with Jesus' presence 2. Baptizing into Jesus' family 3. Teaching with Jesus' authority

The Cost

November 5, 2017
We must be ready for every cost! 1. Jesus is more supreme than family 2. Jesus is more important than life 3. Jesus is more valuable than stuff 4. Jesus…