Our sole infallible authority is God's Word alone! 1. Value God's profitable Word 2. Trust God's inspired Word 3. Train in God's refining Word 4. Persist in God's powerful Word

Only Faith

January 28, 2018
Our righteousness is accomplished by faith alone! 1. My efforts prove my sinfulness 2. My efforts condemn me to die 3. My efforts nullify God's grace 4. My efforts have…

Only Grace

January 21, 2018
Our salvation is a gift by grace alone! 1. Grace did what I couldn't 2. Grace did what I wouldn't 3. Grace did what I shouldn't 4. Grace is still…
Our approach to God is through Jesus alone! 1. All other ways are dead ends 2. No other truth is personified 3. All other life is counterfeit 4. All other…
Our fulfillment is realized in God's glory alone! 1. Examine yourself candidly 2. Perceive God carefully 3. Surrender your "glory" 4. Savor God's glory