A Warning
August 25, 2019

A Warning

Passage: Luke 8:4-18
Service Type:

WARNING: Listen carefully to God's Word!
1.To keep dearly
2.To root deeply
3.To grow patiently


Discussion questions available here.



How are my reception of and response to God’s Word?

What might I lose that I think I have (Luke 8:18)?

God’s Word must be active and prominent in our lives.

If God’s Word is not bearing fruit in your life, you’re not fulfilling God’s design for you!

WARNING: Listen carefully to God's Word!

1.To keep dearly

Hold on for dear life to God’s Word!

To walk the same path as the world is to have no place for the Word to be implanted (James 1:18).

Don’t make God’s Word a means to YOUR way and trample it!

What you think you have – the safe path – will be taken away!

God’s Word will direct us OFF the beaten path.

2.To root deeply

Don’t idealize God’s Word, but forsake it because it “doesn’t work.”

Don’t just see and hear God’s Word (Isaiah 6:9-10), but let it grow in you!

What you think you have – the easy life – will be taken away!

Simple obedience doesn’t need an elaborate strategy (Psalm 119:9)!

Deep roots will nourish a beautiful and virtuous heart (Luke 8:15).

We need God’s Word to nourish our souls with truth that comforts, convicts, and corrects!

3.To grow patiently

Fruit doesn’t show up overnight!

Worries, riches, and pleasures will suffocate our spiritual growth!

Don’t get entangled; we have a different purpose (2 Timothy 2:4)!

One thing is necessary – to yield to God’s Word (Luke 10:41-42)!

What you think you have – pleasure and riches – will be taken away!

Don’t be overcome by the quick and temporary; seek the rewards of the eternal!