Does anyone care? (Community)
December 1, 2019

Does anyone care? (Community)

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Service Type:

Get out of your comfort zone to come alongside others!
1. Share together in suffering
2. Share together in comfort


Discussion questions available here.



Comfort: console, soothe, encourage… to call to one’s side

Get out of your comfort zone to come alongside others!

1. Share together in suffering

Comfort is not the absence of suffering, but the ability to endure suffering.

As Jesus “feels with us” (Hebrews 4:15), so we should “feel with” one another (1 Peter 3:8, Romans 12:15, Galatians 6:2)

How well do we really know one another?

Don’t forget: suffering is a season, not an event.

Bear with one another in the messiness of grief (Colossians 3:13, 1 Peter 4:7)

2. Share together in comfort

God works good through intimate church unity.

Humbly receive comfort from one another!

We cannot give what we do not have.

We must go to the God of all Comfort together!

  • Offer your prayers
  • Offer your presence
  • Offer your pain
  • Offer your patience