Compassionate Proclamation
October 13, 2019

Compassionate Proclamation

Passage: Jonah 3:1-10
Service Type:

Jonah 3:1-10

Our God persuasively invites!
1. with His people participating
2. with a piercing message
3. with a sober urgency


Discussion questions available here.



Our God persuasively invites!

1. with His people participating

God works IN and THROUGH us when we tell His good news!

God reminds us how undeserving we are when we tell His good news!

God reminds us how deep His compassion is when we tell His good news!

2. with a piercing message

Jonah’s message was God’s Word (Romans 10:17, Jonah 1:1, 3:1, 3)

To be face-to-face with our sin is PAINFUL!

How do you respond when confronted with sin?  Defensive?  Justified?  Dismissive?  Loved?

Believe God (3:5), call out to Him (3:8), and turn from evil (3:8)!

3. with a sober urgency

God is serious about His hatred for sin!

God accepts (Jeremiah 18:7-8) and rejoices (Luke 15:7, 10) in repentance!

Repentance must be a regular part of our lifestyle!  Don’t wait until disaster to repent!