Confronted by a Mirror
August 11, 2019

Confronted by a Mirror

Passage: James 1:22-25
Service Type:

Hear God's Word and DO it!
1. Receive its confrontation
2. Remember its revelation
3. Act on its training
4. Persevere in its pattern

Discussion questions available here.


Hear God's Word and DO it!

1. Receive its confrontation

We can use a mirror to:

  • Affirm, admire, spot-check, compensate
  • Deny, be offended, grow callous
  • Examine and amend

God’s Word gives life, hope, and comfort…

It is also painful, like sandpaper! (Hebrews 4:12)

Humbly receive God’s Word (James 1:21).  Don’t be deceived… Let it confront you!

2. Remember its revelation

Why do we forget?

We need to value it and engage with it… MORE! (Proverbs 2 and Psalm 119)

  • Memorize it (Psalm 119:11, Joshua 1:8)
  • Meditate on it (Philippians 4:8, Joshua 1:8)
  • Ask questions (Proverbs 2:2-4)
  • Let it reveal God and expose you! (1 John 1:7-8)

3. Act on its training

Beware of a religion that reads, studies, and knows.

Be quick to listen… but not merely as an “audience.”

Can you know God, trust Him, and ignore Him?

True faith is active and practical (James 2:17)

God’s Word guides us into worship and transformation (Romans 12:1-2)!

4. Persevere in its pattern

It’s hard…  I’m tired…  I’m hopeless…
It’s taking too long…  I tried and it didn’t work!


Growing to be more like Jesus is an ongoing process!

We abide in Jesus not merely through knowledge but through practice.

We know Jesus more through DOING His Word!