Consumed with Zeal
January 26, 2020

Consumed with Zeal

Passage: John 2:13-25
Service Type:

Honor Jesus' passionate authority!
1. Jesus honors His Father
2. Jesus IS the temple
3. Jesus will rise with power
4. Jesus knows man’s heart


Discussion questions available here.



Honor Jesus' passionate authority!

1.Jesus honors His Father

How is your offering of worship before God?

Jesus is passionate about proper honor for His Father (Psalm 69:9).

Jesus was restoring the purity of worship (Malachi 3:1-3).

2.Jesus IS the temple

Ponder the surprising, amazing reality of “God-with-us”!

Even the sacred temple was unworthy of God’s presence!

Jesus is greater than the temple building (Matthew 12:6).

Jesus is our meeting place with God!

3.Jesus will rise with power

Be more ready to self-examine than to get offended!

Jesus declares His power and authority as God! (John 2:19, Romans 1:4)

Jesus has set His destination early in His ministry – to the grave and back.

How does Jesus’ resurrection influence His authority in your daily life?

4.Jesus knows man’s heart

The signs revealed Jesus as God (John 20:31) and exposed men’s hearts (John 12:37-43).

Belief in Jesus must become our firm foundation!

  • Cannot be without root and undeveloped (John 2:23-24)
  • Must seek Jesus Himself above His provision (John 6:26)