God’s Word, Our Treasure
August 4, 2019

God’s Word, Our Treasure

Passage: Proverbs 2:1-22
Service Type:

Value and pursue God's Word!
1.To understand true worship
2.To understand wise navigation
3.To avoid the destructive paths
4.To follow the straight paths

Discussion questions available here.



Readiness – welcoming, ear attentive and heart inclined

Requesting – calling out for in prayer

Regarding – treasuring up, like silver or hidden treasure

Resolute – seeking, searching

Value and pursue God’s Word!

1. To understand true worship

Why read the Bible?

  • Scripture enables our ongoing process of growth in understanding
  • Scripture reveals God’s character and God’s will, which leads us to
    • Relationship with God
    • Worship of God

2. To understand wise navigation

The world has its own definition of righteousness, justice, and equity.

  • Can sound good!
  • But are corrupt!

God defines these for us in His Word.

God empowers and guards us with wisdom and discretion to navigate the world (1:3-4, 2:11)

3. To avoid the destructive paths

The world has a tempting and deadly lure.

  • God is forsaken
  • Sin is celebrated

The world’s way is irresistible… except for the grace and wisdom of God given in His Word.

GREAT is the rescue that guards us from such destruction!

4. To follow the straight paths

There is pleasure (2:10), refreshment (3:8), and reward (2:21) in following God’s way.

Continue to seek God’s Word (2:1-4) out of relationship and worship (2:5, 3:5-6).

The wisdom we seek is a person: Jesus! (Col 2:2-3)