Does anyone care? (Jesus)
November 24, 2019

Does anyone care? (Jesus)

Passage: John 11:1-44
Service Type:

Our Savior Jesus feels with us.
1. Jesus weeps with pain
2. Jesus groans with anger
3. Jesus works with purpose


Discussion questions available here.



Our Savior Jesus feels with us.

1. Jesus weeps with pain

By weeping with them, Jesus:

  • Weeps with those who weep (Romans 12:15)
  • Feels with us (Hebrews 4:15)
  • Feels emotion, but keeps going (John 11:38)
  • Feels emotion despite knowing the outcome
  • Gives permission to grieve (Isaiah 53:3)
  • Grieves… but with hope! (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

2. Jesus groans with anger

Jesus clothes Himself in creation and personally experiences its brokenness.

God hates death, his enemy! (1 Corinthians 15:26)

Jesus has power and authority over life and death.

3. Jesus works with purpose

Jesus also feels gladness (v.15) and gratitude (v.41)… for their good (v.15, 42) and God’s glory (v.4)!

Life is a person: Jesus!

Our life is found in relationship with Jesus! (Philippians 1:21)

Our hope is alive in Jesus! (1 Peter 1:3)