Kingdom Blueprint
July 21, 2019

Kingdom Blueprint

Passage: Matthew 7:13-29
Service Type:

Carefully examine your relationship with God!
1. Beware of the broad way
2. Beware of false teaching
3. Beware of an unstable foundation

Discussion questions available here.


Carefully examine your relationship with God!

1. Beware of the broad way

Why the broad way?

  • Easy: the path of least resistance
  • Popular: everyone else is…
  • Desirable: follow your heart!
  • Security: safety in numbers

You can’t follow Jesus and look like the world.

We are defined differently: character, happiness, authenticity, selfless motivation, confidence… resting in a relationship with God.

2. Beware of false teaching

What fruits should we look for?

  • Grows what the vine grows (John 15:1-8)
  • Repentance (Matt 3:8)
  • Light and truth (Eph 5:8-9)
  • Righteousness (Phil 1:11)

Watch out for:

  • Legalism – saved by works
  • Prosperity gospel – material blessing for all believers
  • Universalism – all ways lead to God
  • Redefining Jesus
  • Anything man-centered

3. Beware of an unstable foundation

The only security we have is (1 Cor 3:11):

  • God’s Word understood as pointing to Jesus
  • Jesus as revealed in God’s Word
  • Continual trust and obedience in response to our relationship with Him

Everyone will face storms:

  • The final judgment at the end
  • Testing during this life (God’s mercy!)