Kingdom Motivation
June 23, 2019

Kingdom Motivation

Passage: Matthew 6:1-18
Service Type:

Righteousness is not a performance, but flows out of relationship.
1.Give authentically
2.Pray authentically
3.Fast authentically


Discussion questions available here.


What is your motivation?

We should not focus on being liked!

  • Matt 5:16 – don’t neglect doing good to avoid persecution
  • Matt 6:1 – don’t spotlight doing good to attract praise

Hypocrite = “actor”, putting on a performance

  • Matt 5:16 – noticed, but glory goes to God
  • Matt 6:1 – beheld/gazed upon, to receive
    our glory

1. Give authentically

Why do we give?

  • Honor and obey God
  • Find greatest satisfaction in God
  • Serve the needs

Happy are the merciful!

2. Pray authentically

Why do we pray?

  • Commune with God
  • Abide in Jesus

How do we pray?

  • Relationally (9)
  • Reverentially (9)
  • Submissively (10)
  • Dependently (11)
  • Repentantly (12)
  • Vulnerably (13)

Happy are the poor in spirit and the meek!

3. Fast authentically

Why do we fast?

  • Longing for God (Mark 2:18-20)
  • Empty ourselves to hunger for God (Matt 4:4)
  • Acknowledge dependence upon God: repentance (Neh 1:4), preparation (Matt 4:1-2), surrender to God’s direction (Acts 13:2, 14:23)

Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness!