Kingdom Relationships
July 14, 2019

Kingdom Relationships

Passage: Matthew 7:1-12
Service Type:

Perceive others with a selfless lens!
1.Judge yourself
2.Help your brother
3.Petition your Father
4.Prefer your neighbor


Discussion questions available here.


Perceive others with a selfless lens!

1.Judge yourself

What Matthew 7:1 doesn’t mean:

  • We dodge confrontation
  • We reciprocate judgment
  • We dismiss sin
  • We become the standard

We must carefully and regularly examine ourselves!

Our motivation is to seek righteousness!

2.Help your brother

We are family – will we love each other enough?

  • To intersect and collide?
  • To step into one another’s lives?
  • To receive help and correction?

Our aim is to help and restore, not criticize and condemn!

Our motivation is to seek righteousness!

Turn from idols and false teachers to the Father (v.6)!

3.Petition your Father

Persist – keep on coming to your Father!

What are we coming for?

  • His kingdom and will – righteousness!
    (6:10, 33)
  • His wisdom (James 1:5), especially for relationships!
  • Good things (6:11)
    • Especially the help of the Holy Spirit! (Luke 11:13)

4.Prefer your neighbor

Consider yourself, and give to others.

The “golden rule” is:

  • Shaped by a relationship with God
    • Who transforms our love (Matt 6:43-47)
    • Who enables our love (1 John 4:19)
    • Who teaches true love (Matt 22:37-40)
  • Motivated by righteousness before God