Knowing the Glorious God
January 6, 2019

Knowing the Glorious God

Passage: John 17:1-5

Take heart in Jesus' glory!
1. Peace in looming trouble
2. Secure in eternal life
3. Confident in accomplished work

john17.01 notes:

God IS powerful and God DOES answer prayer!
Jesus is actively involved in our lives as our high priest, intercessor, advocate, and mediator!
“Take heart” – courage, cheer, confidence
Jesus’ glory – John 1:14, 2:11, 16:14, 17:1, 5, 24

1. Peace in looming trouble
Peace – settled, calm heart

Our relationship with the world is redefined!
Troubles are certain, but victory is in Jesus!
Jesus’ words have purpose and power!
• For our complete joy (John 15:11)
• For our perseverance (John 16:1, 4)
• For our peace (John 16:33)
Should live in us (John 15:7)

2. Secure in eternal life
God is the planner and provider in our lives and His mission!

Eternal life:
• Not just future, but NOW (John 17:3, 5:24)
• Not just quantity, but quality: “abundant life” (John 10:10)
• Consists of knowing the Father through Jesus
Jesus’ authority enables our security!

3. Confident in accomplished work
We are inadequate for the mission, but Jesus is adequate!

Our commissioning ought to lead us to desperate dependence!
Jesus’ finished work on earth set in motion the promises to be fulfilled!
Even Jesus’ predictions of struggle are encouraging – because our struggle is not final!
• Judas will betray (John 13:21)
• Peter will deny (John 14:38)
• Disciples will scatter (John 16:32)

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