How do I prepare?
November 17, 2019

How do I prepare?

Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Service Type:

Love freely as a steward of your relationships!
1. Invest in your relationships
2. Value your relationships
3. Enjoy your relationships


Discussion questions available here.



James 4:13-14...

What are you preparing for?

Protection from loss?

Protection from pain?

Making the most of NOW with others – without regret!

Love freely as a steward of your relationships!

1. Invest in your relationships

Love is giving (yourself).

Love is worth it, and not wasted.

Love is rooted in character and expressed in action.

What will you sacrifice your relationships for?

  • Competition: I want to win
  • Stubbornness: I want to be right
  • Selfishness: I want my way
  • Safety: I don’t want to be hurt

2. Value your relationships

Which relationships are valuable? (Matthew 22:39)

Are you willing to do the hard work in your relationships?

  • Be proactive
  • Sacrifice your “rights”
  • Want the best for others
  • Be willing to confront and quick to forgive

3. Enjoy your relationships

Enjoy people because you enjoy God!

Keep moving toward others to:

  • Carry troubles together
  • Rebuild trust
  • Hope in Christ together
  • Press on together

Fulfill your joy by loving others well!