That You May Believe
January 12, 2020

That You May Believe

Passage: John 20:31
Service Type:

The Gospel of John equips us for fulfilled life in Jesus!
1. Greater knowledge of Jesus
2. Greater belief in Jesus
3. Greater witness of Jesus


Discussion questions available here.



The Gospel of John equips us for fulfilled life in Jesus!

1. Greater knowledge of Jesus

Fulfilled life is in knowing Jesus (John 17:3).

We need to know WHO He is:

  • Having distinct glory and full of grace and truth (John 1:14)
  • The way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)
  • Messiah and God (John 20:31)

We need to know Jesus intimately and personally.

We know Jesus more as we behold, come, follow, and abide.

2. Greater belief in Jesus

Don’t cheapen belief – it’s an active, trusting dependence!

  • More than mental agreement (James 2:19, Mark 1:24)
  • Not merely conceptual, but practical
  • Growing trust as we behold, come, follow, and abide
  • Entrusting ourselves fully to Jesus

3. Greater witness of Jesus

Witness – to prove/confirm by testifying to that which we have seen and heard (1 John 1:1-3).

Our core identity as disciples involves being compelled to tell others about life in Jesus.

Jesus uses us as He calls all into relationship with Him.

We call others to behold, come, follow, and abide with Jesus!