Walking in the Light
December 15, 2019

Walking in the Light

Passage: 1 John 1:5-10
Service Type:

We must habitually confess our sin!
1.Owning our sin
2.Hating our sin
3.Forsaking our sin


Discussion questions coming soon!



To keep fellowship with the Light of the World, we must live in the light!

Fellowship is an intimate relationship in which we share life together!

  • With God (1:3)
  • With one another (1:7)

Walking in the light is not sinlessness (1:8, 10)

Walking in the light involves sin being exposed (1 John 1:9, John 3:19-21)

Confession is our path to restoring broken fellowship!

We must habitually confess our sin!

1.Owning our sin

Admit and take responsibility for specific sin.

My sin was wrong, without qualification:  No excuses, no blame, no defense.

Take time to first see the log in your own eye! (Matthew 7:3-5)

Humility builds a bridge. (Proverbs 15:1)

2.Hating our sin

Confess = “say the same thing”

Are you willing to “say the same thing” about your sin as God does?

Share God’s hatred (Proverbs 8:13) for and grief (Ephesians 4:30) over sin.

Grow in disgust over the sin that breaks fellowship with God and others! (1:3-7)

3.Forsaking our sin

We ought to be moved to stop sinning (2:1)

The cost of forgiveness: Jesus’ blood! (1:7, 2:2)

Jesus is our advocate (taking our side) – “I paid for this”

Jesus is our propitiation (satisfies God’s wrath in full)

*Don’t take it for granted!*

Confess and forsake sin to find mercy, rather than hiding it! (Proverbs 28:13)