Words of Life
September 1, 2019

Words of Life

Passage: John 6:60-71
Service Type:

Turn to God, who gives life in His Word!
1.Even when the teaching is hard
2.Even when our way is contrasted
3.Even when the excitement is waning
4.Even when the results are delayed


Discussion questions available here.



To whom shall we go?

All that God says in His Word… who can listen to it?

Where will you turn for... Answers? Truth? Life? Hope? Comfort? Direction?

The one who gives these words is the Holy One of God, our sovereign Lord with His perfect plan!

Turn to God, who gives life in His Word!

1.Even when the teaching is hard

Eating and drinking Jesus’ flesh and blood is symbolic of a spiritual sustenance from Christ alone.

They were offended at the notions that:

  • Jesus came from heaven
  • The Messiah would die

God’s hard sayings are the words of life (Psalm 119:92-93)!

Stop clutching for happiness and security. Place all your trust and find all your joy in Jesus!

2.Even when our way is contrasted

Jesus came to do the Father’s will, not ours (John 6:38)!

Am I bringing my desires to God’s Word, or am I desiring God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:3)?

Am I looking for God’s blessings, or for God Himself (John 6:35)?

Am I trying to “puppet” God for my own way?

God’s way is better (Isaiah 55:8-9)!

3.Even when the excitement is waning

Why do I lose excitement for knowing God’s Word and following Jesus??

Don’t throw your heart at the temporary (John 6:27).

Let passion stir from understanding value:

  • Don’t undervalue the precious blessing of having God’s Word (Amos 8:11).
  • Keep fresh excitement by beholding God in His Word (Psalm 119:18, Romans 11:33)!

4.Even when the results are delayed

What help are you awaiting from God that you would like… NOW?

We will be hungry again – tomorrow.

→We can trust God for daily provision (Matthew 6:11) and abundant supply.

We can eat daily and still die.

→Our earthly desires and needs ultimately don’t satisfy.

We persevere because of who He is (John 6:69)!