We must endure suffering with hopeful anticipation! 1. Follow the Spirit's leading 2. Feel pain, and long for Jesus 3. Find help from God 4. Take opportunity to grow
We must enjoy the newness of life in Christ! 1. Restored to greater grace 2. Restored to greater righteousness 3. Restored to greater power 4. Restored to greater hope
We must confidently cling to God's promises by faith! 1. God gives life by His power 2. God gives hope in the impossible 3. God gives strength in His ability…
Our approach to God is through Jesus alone! 1. All other ways are dead ends 2. No other truth is personified 3. All other life is counterfeit 4. All other…
We must stand out in peculiar hope! 1. Hope treasures Jesus 2. Hope endures resistance 3. Hope provokes wonder 4. Hope anticipates action